Project Highlights

The N.C. Department of Transportation proposes to replace the bridge on Sullivan Street over U.S. 29 / U.S. 70 / U.S. 220 in Greensboro, Guilford County.  The bridge will be replaced with a new structure that features two travel lanes, bicycle provisions, a sidewalk on the south side of the bridge, and a multi-use path on the north side.  The proposed roadway width along Sullivan Street will remain the same as the existing between North Benbow Road and Post Street.  The bridge may be raised as much as three feet to meet current design standards and to accommodate future widening along U.S. 29  / U.S. 70 / U.S. 220 under the bridge.  Aesthetic treatments on the proposed bridge, such as lighting, decorative railing, and fencing are being coordinated with the City of Greensboro and NC A&T University.

The preferred alternative proposes to replace the bridge in its existing location.  Options for a temporary onsite bridge to maintain traffic during construction or for a new bridge beside of the existing bridge were not considered in detail because of substantial property acquisition that would have resulted in the area surrounding the existing bridge. 

The bridge will be closed for up to 24 months during construction.  A potential detour route follows E. Lindsay Street, E. Bessemer Avenue, and Winston Street and is located to the north of Sullivan Street.  Accommodations for pedestrians to safely cross U.S. 29 / U.S. 70 / U.S. 220 in a timely manner are being investagated. 


Project Design Map 

Click here or on the map image to open the map in a new window for downloading or viewing.


Proposed Typical Sections

Sullivan St - approaches to bridge


As shown above, the roadway typical section will consist of:

curb and gutter

two 12-foot lanes (one in each direction)

an 8-foot paved section some with areas of parking / no parking on the north side

an 8-foot paved section with no parking on the south side

  an 8 foot multiuse path on the north side

a sidewalk on the south side. 

The sidewalk and multiuse paths will be separated from back of curb by a grass median.

Sullivan St - bridge structure

As shown above, the bridge will consist of two 12-foot inside lanes, two 10-foot outside lanes, a 5 foot 6 inch walk on one side and a 10 foot walk on the other.

The 10-foot section will be divided from traffic by a concrete barrier.



Project Funding



Estimated Amount*

Right-Of-Way & Utilities

        $ 3,450,000

Construction Costs

        $ 4,800,000

Total Cost

        $ 8,250,000

* Estimated costs are preliminary and subject to change

Project Timeline




Public Outreach

Spring 2023  

Environmental Document

Summer 2023  

Right of Way Acquisition

Fall 2023  

Construction Begins

Fall 2025  

* Schedule is preliminary and subject to change

Project Comments


NCDOT accepts comments throughout all phases of project development.  

All comments will be taken into consideration, and carry equal weight, regardless of submittal method.

To submit comments for consideration during the current phase of project development,

please submit before April 14, 2023.

The public is encouraged to leave comments using this webpage, email, or phone number:



Phone Number: 512-580-8850      enter project code 3870

Question title

Would you like to be added to the project mailing list?

Question title

Do you have any questions or comments regarding the proposed bridge replacement?

Project Contact

 Samir Jasim, PE

NCDOT Project Management Unit

Project Engineer

1582 Mail Service Center

Raleigh, NC 27699-1582

Project Contact

 Byron Atkinson, PE

MI Engineering, PLLC

Consultant Project Manager

1011 Schaub Drive, Suite 100

Raleigh, NC 27606

Title VI Feedback

To ensure we’re hearing from a broad set of voices, would you be willing to share (completely anonymously) some information about yourself?

If so, please click here:


Although the N.C. Department of Transportation works to minimize the number of homes and businesses displaced by a road project, it is inevitable, in many cases, that a certain amount of private property is needed. The following information explains right of way acquisition and answers questions about the process.  

Right-of-Way Brochure Single Page Layout      Folleto del Proceso de Adquisición de Bienes Raíces
Right-of-Way Frequently Asked Questions

Right of way Acquisition Process Videos

English                                                                     Spanish