U-6073-Fisher Road Widening-Fayetteville
U-6073-Fisher Road Widening-Fayetteville
The N.C. Department of Transportation is proposing to widen Fisher Road from Strickland Bridge to Bingham Road (N.C. 162) in Fayetteville, Cumberland County.
Responses to comments received during the public comment period
can be viewed and downloaded by clicking here.
Project Overview:
The project proposes widening Fisher Road (S.R. 1107) from Strickland Bridge Road (S.R 1104) to Bingham Road (N.C. 162) to improve traffic flow, enhance safety, and accommodate future growth in the area. The proposed expansion will help alleviate congestion along this key corridor, making it easier for drivers to travel efficiently while also supporting the increasing demand from residential and commercial developments. By widening the road, the project will not only reduce traffic delays but also improve access for local residents and businesses, ensuring smoother and safer transportation for all users.
Project Highlights:
The project proposes widening 2.1 miles of Fisher Road from Strickland Bridge Road to Bingham Drive/George Owen Road.
- The proposed design includes:
- Widening the roadway two-lanes to four-lanes divided
- 12-foot travel lanes
- Curb and gutter
- 19.5-foot wide median separating the lanes
- 5-foot-wide sidewalk on the westbound side
- 10-foot-wide multiuse path on the eastbound side for pedestrians and cyclists
- A roundabout at the McKinnon Farm Intersection
- Widening the roadway two-lanes to four-lanes divided
- A "Reduced Conflict Intersection" design will be utilized
A reduced conflict intersection - sometimes referred to as a superstreet, a synchronized street or a median U-turn - is a general term used to descrbe several types of designs that can be used to improve safety and traffic flow on a highway. There are variations to the designs, but they all function the same by reducing by almost half the number of potential locations, or conflict points, where drivers and pedestrians can collide.
The most common type of reduced conflict intersection design: eliminates left turns from side roads onto busy main roads. Raised medians direct traffic from the side road into turning right. When there is a safe opening in traffic, drivers enter the flow of traffic on the main route. To go to the other direction, or cross the highway, they pull into a dedicated lane-typically less than 1,000 feet away-and make a U-turn. There might be a traffic signal at this location dependent on need.
In cases of dual right-turn lanes from the side road at a signalized intersection, drivers should stay in the left lane, if they intend to make the U-turn once on the main coridor.
RCI Traffic Movements
Project History:
Fisher Road, a two-lane major collector, currently experiences high traffic volumes with an average of 12,000 vehicles per day and several intersections operating at poor levels of service (LOS). See diagram below. The intersections current function at levels E and F.
Projections indicate that traffic volumes will continue to increase, exacerbating existing issues. Previous studies have identified Fisher Road as a “needs improvement” corridor. In 2018, two alternatives were developed. One was symmetrical (both side) widening, and the other was asymmetrical (one side only). The asymmetrical widening was the chosen alternative. The project was placed on hold for several years recently been started. Staff is moving forward with design of Aleternative 2 (the Asymmetrical widening) using the updated guidelines.
Level of Service:
Level of service (LOS) is a mesaure of traffic operational conditions. Ranges of operation for each type of roadway,intersection, freeways, ramp junctions and weaving sections. These ranges relate to the amount of traffic demand at a given time compared to the compacity of the type of roadway section.
Six levels of service are defined for each type of roadway section and are given letter designations from A to F. A represents good operating conditions and F represents unsatisfactory operating conditions.
Project Map
Click here to open a new window, where you can view the public meeting maps and typical sections. (Consultants and/or Division)
Proposed Roundabout at Fisher Road and McKinnon Farm Intersection
Project Funding:
Activity | Esimated Cost* |
Right of Way Acquisition | $ 22.5 Million |
Utilities | $ 2.4 Million |
Construction | $ 40.8 Million |
Total Cost | $ 65.7 Million |
Project Timeline:
Activity | Anticipated Date* |
Document Date | Fall 2025 |
Right-of-Way Acquisition | Spring 2026 |
Utility Relocation Complete | Summer 2028 |
Award for Construction | Summer 2028 |
Project Comments
NCDOT accepts comments throughout all phases of project development.
All comments will be taken into consideration, and carry equal weight, regardless of submittal method.
To submit comments for consideration during the current phase of project development,
please submit by Nov. 8, 2024
The public is encouraged to leave comments using this webpage, email, or phone number:
Email: fisherrd-widening-cumberland@publicinput.com
Phone Number: 984-205-6615 enter project code 10723 to leave a message
Although the N.C. Department of Transportation works to minimize the number of homes and businesses displaced by a road project, it is inevitable, in many cases, that a certain amount of private property is needed. The following information explains right of way acquisition and answers questions about the process.
Right-of-Way Brochure Single Page Layout Folleto del Proceso de Adquisición de Bienes Raíces
Right-of-Way Frequently Asked Questions
Right of way Acquisition Process Videos