What's Next?

The N.C. Department of Transportation will continue to evaluate the potential impacts and avoidance and minimization measures as the project designs are further delveloped. The project team expects to complete the environmental document, a federal Categorical Exclusion, in the summer of this year.

Project Overview

The N.C. Department of Transportation proposes to widen N.C. 127 through the Mountain View area as part of State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) Project No. U-2530A. The proposed improvements extend from Huffman Farm Road to Zion Church Road, a total project length of 3.1 miles.

The purpose of this project is to improve current traffic conditions as well as accommodate future traffic volumes. Accommodations for bicycles and pedestrians are also being considered in accordance with state and local planning goals and coordination efforts.

Project Highlights

Following the initial Public Meeting in October 2018, the project team developed two alternatives for analysis to address the congestion along N.C. 127. Both alternatives included widening to a 4-lane, median divided roadway with bicycle and pedestrian accommodations. The key difference was the alignment.

To minimize the potential impacts on the community, in June 2019, the project team elected to proceed with the best-fit alignment option to develop preliminary designs. Shortly after, the project was placed on hold as NCDOT dealt with funding challenges and COVID-19. 

The project was recently restarted in June of 2023 and the project team has been developing preliminary designs which will be presented at the March 21, 2024, Public Meeting.

Proposed Typical Sections

N.C. 127 Typical Section with Full Median


N.C. 127 Typical Section with Left-Turn Lane

​​​​​​Highlights of the Proposal include:

  • Two lanes in each direction with a grass or paved median and dedicated turn lanes  at key locations

  • All existing signals will remain

  • The following locations will remain full-movement intersections:

Huffman Farm Road

Bethel Church Road

Village Circle

Moss Farm Road

Dwayne Starnes Road

Westover Road

Valley Field Road

Plaza Drive

Mountain Grove Road

Zion Church Road 













  • Dedicated northbound left-turn lanes will be provided from N.C. 127 to:
    • Pinewoods Drive
    • Moss Farm Road 
    • Westover Road

  • Dedicated southbound left-turn lanes will be provided from N.C. 127 to:

    • Medical Park Drive

    • Westover Road

    • Woodridge Drive

    • Mountain View Centre entrance (next to El Sarape)

    • Old Farm Drive

  • Left turns from other existing side streets and driveways will be redirected

  • U-Turn bulbs will be added at:

    • Mountain Grove Road

    • Bethel Church Road 

  • U-turns are also permitted at signalized intersections

  • Bethel Church Road will be realigned with turn lane improvements

  • Through coordination with city and county planning officials and consistent with local plans for the area, buffered bicycle and pedestrian accommodations are being provided:

    • 5' sidewalk along the west/north side of N.C. 127, separated from traffic by a 4-foot planted median

    • 10' multi-use path along the east/south side of N.C. 127separated from traffic by a 4-foot planted median

  • Pedestrian crossings will be provided at signalized intersections

Public Meeting Maps

Project History

The N.C. 127 widening project was first identified in 2002 as part of the Mountain View Small Area Plan with recommendations to widen N.C. 127 to a median divided, 4-lane roadway with bicycle and pedestrian facilities. The project was then later included in the Catawba County Thoroughfare Plan in 2007 and the Greater Hickory Metropolitan Planning Organization Long Range Transportation Plan in 2013.

NCDOT first prioritized the project based on the Strategic Transportation Investments Law and added it to the 2016-2025 STIP. Since this time, the project has maintained its importance as a key corridor for improvements and is most recently documented in the 2024-2033 STIP.

Project Funding



Estimated Amount*

Property Acquisition

       $ 23.9 million

Utility Relocation

       $   3.8 million

Construction Costs

       $ 25.5 million

Total Cost

       $ 53.2 million

* Estimated costs are preliminary and subject to change


Project Timeline




Public Meeting (Preferred Alternative)

March 2024  

Complete Environmental Document

Summer 2024  

Right of Way

Summer 2025  

Construction Begins

March 2028  

* Future dates are preliminary and subject to change

Project Comments


NCDOT accepts comments throughout all phases of project development.  

All comments will be taken into consideration, and carry equal weight, regardless of submittal method.

The public is encouraged to leave comments using this webpage, email, or phone number:


Email: NC-127-Widening@PublicInput.com

Phone Number: 984-205-6615      enter project code 2815

Question title

Would you like to be added to the project email list for project updates?

Question title

Do you have any questions or overall comments regarding the Preferred Alternative ?

If you would like a response to your comment please include your email address or phone number.

All comments/questions/responses are confidential and no personal information will be shared

Project Contact

 Bryan Sowell, P.E.

NCDOT Division 12

Project Development Team Lead

P.O. Box 47

Shelby, NC 28151

Project Contact

 Jenny Noonkester, AICP


Consultant Project Manager

1520 South Boulevard, Suite 200

Charlotte, NC 28203

Title VI Feedback

To ensure we’re hearing from a broad set of voices, would you be willing to share (completely anonymously) some information about yourself?

If so, please click here: https://publicinput.com/NCDOT-Title-VI


Although the N.C. Department of Transportation works to minimize the number of homes and businesses displaced by a road project, it is inevitable, in many cases, that a certain amount of private property is needed. The following information explains right of way acquisition and answers questions about the process.  

Right-of-Way Brochure Single Page Layout      Folleto del Proceso de Adquisición de Bienes Raíces
Right-of-Way Frequently Asked Questions

Right of way Acquisition Process Videos

English                                                                     Spanish