Statewide Public Involvement Plan
Statewide Public Involvement Plan
Statewide Public Involvement Plan (Plan) Overview
The NCDOT Environmental Analysis Unit (EAU) created the Statewide Public Involvement Plan (Plan) to provide a standard process for conducting public involvement for transportation projects. The Plan follows federal and state environmental regulations for public involvement. The purpose of the Plan is to provide guidance for project teams to successfully plan and conduct public involvement efforts that address the needs of community members and stakeholders, resulting in beneficial community outcomes.
The Plan provides tools and strategies to:
effectively engage the public
meet the requirements, needs, and unique circumstances of each project
incorporate public feedback into the decision-making process.
This Plan should be used when public involvement is needed for NCDOT transportation projects and can be used by anyone involved in the planning and development of transportation facilities at all levels of decision making.
To review the Plan, please click on the following link: NCDOT Statewide Public Involvement Plan
The purpose of this survey is to obtain your feedback on the NCDOT Statewide Public Involvement Plan. Please review the Plan and provide your comments by July 1st. Your feedback will be used to finalize the Plan.
Title VI Feedback
To ensure we’re hearing from a broad set of voices, would you be willing to share (completely anonymously) some information about yourself?
If so, please click here:
Project Contact
Jamille Robbins
Public Involvement, Community Studies & Visualization Group Leader
1598 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1598
512-580-8850 code 5617