Thank you for taking the time to provide your input on the N.C. 42 Widening Project. Here is a summary of the project:

The proposed project will widen N.C. 42 (South Lombard Street in Clayton) from a two-lane roadway to a four-lane, median-divided roadway. Median openings to allow left turns will be provided at key locations. Others will permit U-turns. The project will extend from N.C. 50 to U.S. 70 Business, but will not include the I-40/N.C. 42 interchange.  Improvements to the I-40/N.C. 42 interchange are part of a separate project (identified as STIP Project No. I-4739) which is also in the development phase. New bridges over Swift Creek, Little Creek, and White Oak Creek are planned.

NCDOT is currently advancing engineering design for the section of the project between the eastern end of the I-40 Widening Improvements (STIP projects I-5111 & I-4739) to the U.S. 70 Bypass. By advancing this section before the others, the most urgent mobility needs in this corridor can be addressed sooner. The remaining eastern and western sections of the project will be completed at a later date.

Two intersection designs alternatives are under consideration at the intersection of N.C. 42 and Cornwallis Road. Both are types of Reduced Conflict Intersections, or RCI, which limit the number of potential conflict points between vehicles while also accommodating increased traffic without increasing delays.

- The Median U-Turn Alternative (also sometimes called a Michigan Left RCI) would prohibit all left turns at the main intersection.  Vehicles wishing to turn left from NC 42 would travel through the intersection to a U-turn a short distance away, then make a right-turn onto Cornwallis Road.  Vehicles wishing to turn left from Cornwallis Road would turn right onto NC 42, make a U-turn, and then travel straight through the intersection.

- The Quadrant Alternative also prohibits all left turns in the main intersection. Instead, motorists would travel through or turn right at the main intersection and use Cornwallis Commons Road as a connector road between NC 42 and Cornwallis Road.


The Median U-Turn Alternative was selected as the Preferred Alternative.

Median U-Turn Alternative ALT A

Selected as Preferred Alternative

The following diagrams show examples of how a motorist would complete a left turn movement using the proposed designs at the intersection of Cornwallis Road and N.C. 42.






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