HL-0008K: N.C. 42 Hilltop Road Area Intersection Improvements
HL-0008K: N.C. 42 Hilltop Road Area Intersection Improvements
The N.C. Department of Transportation proposes to make modification to the intersections of N.C. 42 with Hilltop Road, Panther Lake Road, Walter Rowland Road and Walter Myatt Road in Wake County.
Links to information on other projects in the vicinity of project HL-0008K are shown at the bottom of this page.
In June 2022, the N.C. Department of Transportation presented three alternatives to the public for comment. These alternatives are shown in more detail below. During the public comment period, NCDOT received over 100 comments on the project. The comments included feedback on the proposed alternative designs, questions about the proposed schedule and construction approach, and concerns about the potential impacts to private properties and agricultural operations.
Following a review of these public comments and an analysis of the potential impacts of each alternative, NCDOT selected Alternative 3 as the preferred alternative. Alternative 3 is shown on the map below.
NCDOT is moving forward with the preparation of an environmental document that will summarize the project area conditions, the potential impacts of the project, and the preferred alternative (Alternative 3).
The schedule for Right of Way Acquisition and Construction is listed below; this schedule is contingent upon authorization from the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization and is subject to change.
Project Study Area Map:
This map depicts the study area used to determine and evaluate potential environmental effects of the project and survey information used for design. It does not reflect the footprint of improvements.
The map is for reference purposes only.
The Strategic Transportation Investments (STI) law includes a provision for a funding allocation to local governments based on funding contributed by the local government to transportation projects or revenue from tolling. This bonus allocation can be used to fund the construction of other eligible highway projects.
Early in 2020, the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) received notice from NCDOT that there would be a bonus allocation to CAMPO from the N.C. 540 project. This intersection project was one of several selected by CAMPO for the bonus allocation funding. NCDOT began project development work for the project in early 2021.
Project Overview
STIP Project HL-0008K involves proposed Intersection improvements on N.C. 42. Intersections proposed for modification include Hilltop Road, Panther Lake Road, Dwight Rowland Road and Walter Myatt Road.
Three Alternatives are being considered for this project.
All Alternatives would widen N.C. 42 to four lanes between Hilltop road and Walter Myatt Road.
This video provides an overview of the project.
Alternative 1:
- Construct new intersection with N.C. 42 and Dwight Rowland Road west of existing intersection
- Remove existing Dwight Rowland Road/Panther Lake Road intersection
- Close the existing Walter Myatt Road connection to N.C. 42
- Extend Hilltop Road to the southwest and connect to Walter Myatt Road
Alternative 2:
- Widen N.C. 42 to four lanes between Hilltop Road and Walter Myatt Road
- Shift Dwight Rowland Road to the west
- remove the existing Dwight Rowland Road/Panther Lake Road intersection
- Extend Hilltop Road to the southwest to connect to realigned Walter Myatt Road
- remove the existing Walter Myatt Road connection to N.C. 42
Alternative 3:
- Realign Dwight Rowland Road to create a new intersection with Walter Myatt Road
- Remove the existing Dwight Rowland Road/Panther Lake Road intersection with N.C. 42
Project Maps
View or Download PDFs of Project Maps
Alternative 1 Sheet 1 Alternative 1 Sheet 2
Alternative 2 Sheet 1 Alternative 2 Sheet 2
For information on how to read a public meeting map, click here.
Project Funding:
| Estimated Cost* |
Right-of-Way Acquisition | $0.2 - $0.5 Million |
Utility Relocation | $0.2 Million |
Construction | $6.1 - $8.5 Million |
Total Costs | $6.5 - 9.2 Million |
* Estimated costs are subject to change.
Project Timeline:
Milestone | Date* |
Environmental Document | Winter 2022 |
This project is funded for Planning and Engineering Studies only at this time.
* Future dates are preliminary and subject to change
Project Comments
The public is encouraged to leave any questions or comments at any meeting, using this website or using the project email or phone number.
Comments may also be mailed to the project managers at the addresses listed below.
NCDOT accepts comments throughout all phases of project developement. All comments received will be reviewed and incorporated into the project where feasible.
All comments carry equal weight regardless of submittal method.
Project Email: NC42-Hilltop-Rd-Area@PublicInput.com
Project Phone Number: 984-205-6615 enter project code 6316
Project Contact:
Zahid Baloch, P.E.
NCDOT Division 5
Senior Project Engineer
1573 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1573
Project Contact:
Beth Smyre, P.E.
Dewberry Engineers
Consultant Project Manager
2610 Wycliff Road , Suite 410
Raleigh, NC 27607
Other Area Projects
NCDOT Project No. U-5751: N.C. 55 Extension
NCDOT Project No. HL-0006: Improvements at U.S. 401/Hilltop Needmore/Airpark/Hilltop Roads
Although the N.C. Department of Transportation works to minimize the number of homes and businesses displaced by a road project, it is inevitable, in many cases, that a certain amount of private property is needed. The following information explains right of way acquisition and answers questions about the process.
Right-of-Way Brochure Single Page Layout Folleto del Proceso de Adquisición de Bienes Raíces
Right-of-Way Frequently Asked Questions
Right of way Acquisition Process Videos
Title VI Feedback
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If so, please click here https://publicinput.com/NCDOT-Title-VI