U-6043: U.S. 29/U.S. 74 (East Franklin Boulevard) from east of Cox Road/Armstrong Park Road to just east of Lineberger Road - Gastonia
U-6043: U.S. 29/U.S. 74 (East Franklin Boulevard) from east of Cox Road/Armstrong Park Road to just east of Lineberger Road - Gastonia
The N.C. Department of Transportation proposes to improve 0.76 miles of U.S. 29/U.S. 74 (East Franklin Boulevard) from east of Cox Road/Armstrong Park Road to just east of Lineberger Road in Gaston County.
Proposed improvements include:
Widening the eastbound travel lanes from two lanes to three (the westbound lanes will remain unchanged)
Addition of a five-foot sidewalk along the south side of East Franklin Boulevard
The purpose of the proposed project is to improve traffic flow and safety along the eastbound roadway where traffic merges from three lanes to two. These conditions force vehicles using the inside through lane to shift and have likely contributed to the above-average crash rates in the area.
The proposed addition of a five-foot sidewalk aligns with the City of Gastonia’s long-range plans to provide improved multi-modal connectivity.
Interactive Study Area Map
Project Design
Widening of one eastbound lane with the addition of a five-foot sidewalk
Project Funding
This project is listed as Project No. U-6043 in the NCDOT State Transportation Improvement Program.
Cost* | |
Project Development & Design | $1,300,000 |
Right-of-Way & Utility Relocation | $2,900,000 |
Construction | $6,300,000 |
Total | $10,500,000 |
* Costs are preliminary and subject to change
Project Timeline
Milestone | Date* |
Project Newsletter | Spring 2022 |
Environmental Document Complete - View Here | Spring 2022 |
Right-of-Way & Utility Relocation | Winter 2023 |
Construction | 2025 |
* Future dates are preliminary and subject to change
Project History
Initial project coordination began in 2018 with initial outreach to local, state, and federal agencies to gather input on the proposed improvements. Technical studies were conducted in late 2018 and early 2019 to identify potential impacts to the human and natural environment and inform development of preliminary roadway designs. A project newsletter was mailed to residents in the project area in May 2019, in which two design alternatives were presented. Both options proposed constructing an additional eastbound travel lane. Option one would also add a 10-foot multiuse path and option two would also add a five-foot sidewalk along the south side of the roadway. Public comments received generally expressed support for the proposed widening and inclusion of either multimodal accommodations.
In August 2019, the U-6043 project was placed on hold due to statewide transportation funding constraints. Project development was reinitiated in late 2021, at which time additional coordination between NCDOT, City of Gastonia, and the Gaston-Cleveland-Lincoln Metropolitan Planning Organization was conducted. As a result of these discussions, it was determined the project would move forward with option two, the addition of an eastbound travel lane and five-foot sidewalk, in order to minimize resource impacts along the project corridor.
Project Comments
Due to Covid-19, NCDOT has suspended in-person meetings until further notice.
NCDOT accepts comments throughout all phases of project development.
The public is encouraged to leave comments using this website, email, or phone number.
Email: US29-74-Cox-Lineberger@publicinput.com
Phone Number: 984-205-6615 enter project code 4935
Project Contact
Lee Bryson, PE
NCDOT Division 12
P.O. Box 47
Shelby, NC 28151
984-205-6615 code 4935
Resources For Property Owners
Although the N.C. Department of Transportation works to minimize the number of homes and businesses displaced by a road project, it is inevitable, in many cases, that a certain amount of private property is needed. The following information explains right of way acquisition and answers questions about the process.
Relocation Assistance Brochure Asistencia para Reubicación
Right-of-Way Acquisition Process Brochure Folleto del Proceso de Adquisición de Bienes Raíces
Right-of-Way Frequently Asked Questions
Title VI Feedback
To ensure we’re hearing from a broad set of voices, would you be willing to share (completely anonymously) some information about yourself? If so, please click here (https://publicinput.com/NCDOT-Title-VI)