B-4442-I-26 Weaverville
B-4442-I-26 Weaverville
Vicinity Map:
Project Overview:
The N.C. department of Transportation proposes to replace and widen two bridges on U.S. 19/23/25/70 (Future I-26) over Reems Creek and Quarry Road in Weaverville. The current bridges were constructed in 1963.
Project History:
These bridges were previously included as part of NCDOT State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) project A-0010A (upgrade existing U.S. 19/23 (Future I-26) from north of I-240 to Exit 13 – Stockton Road, in Buncombe County). Project A-0010A was delayed in the latest STIP update, and project development is currently on hold. Due to the condition of these Bridges, STIP project no. B-4442 is being advanced independent of A-0010A.
Project B-4442 will replace the bridges with wider bridges and widen a short segment of existing U.S. 19/23/25/70 to accommodate six lanes in the future, consistent with the proposed A-0010A improvements in this area. The widened portion of the roadway and bridge will continue to maintain two travel lanes in each direction until the proposed A-0010A improvements have been constructed.
Public Input:
Information will be provided to the public in a virtual format on this website. The public is encouraged to provide comments or share their thoughts regarding the project. The public comment period ends on Nov. 8, 2021.
Project Map:
Map of Bridge replacements on I-26 Over Reems Creek and Quarry Road
A video explaining how to read a public hearing or meeting map can be viewed below. The video contains information on colors used and symbology.
Project Funding:
B-4442 is listed in the State Transportation Improvement Program and funded for $27 million.
Activity | Estimated Amount* |
Roadway Construction Cost | $ 26,500,000 |
Right-of-Way Cost | $190,000 |
Utility Relocation and Construction Costs | $ 234,000 |
Total Cost | $ 27,000,000 |
* As shown in the currently adopted State Transporation Improvement Program - Subject to change
Project Timeline:
Milestone | Date* |
Public outreach | Oct. 2021 |
Right of Way Acquisition | Winter 2022 |
Construction begins | Fall 2022 |
* As shown in the currently adopted State Transporation Improvement Program - Subject to change
All comments will be taken into consideration, and carry equal weight, regardless of submittal method
You may leave a comment or question below
Email the comment or question to I-26-Weaverville@PublicInput.com
Phone Number: (855) 925-2801 Code: 2441
Project Contact Information:
Verrol McLeary
NCDOT Structures Management Unit
Project Engineer
1581 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1581
Project Consultant Information:
Celia Miars
Project Manager
5438 Wade Park Boulevard, Suite 200
Raleigh, NC 27607
Project Email Address: I-26-Weaverville@PublicInput.com
Although the N.C. Department of Transportation works to minimize the number of homes and businesses displaced by a road project, it is inevitable, in many cases, that a certain amount of private property is needed. The following information explains right-of-way acquisition and answers questions about the process.
Relocation Assistance Brochure Asistencia para Reubicación
Right-of-Way Acquisition Process Brochure Folleto del Proceso de Adquisición de Bienes Raíces
Right-of-Way Frequently Asked Questions