U-5857: Rockfish Road
U-5857: Rockfish Road
Preliminary Engineering Activities for this project
have resumed.
Project U-5707 (Gillis Hill Road Extension) has been combined with this project.
Information on the combined project is available on this page.
The project limits are from Camden Rd (S.R. 1003) to Lindsay Rd (S.R. 1418) and consists of widening Rockfish Rd. (S.R. 1406) from Camden Rd to Westfield Drive and the Gillis Hill Road Extension along new location from north of Westfield Drive to Lindsay Rd. The existing two-lane road is proposed to be widened to a four-lane, median-divided roadway.
The project will connect with U-5798 to create a single, interconnected four-lane corridor through the Rockfish community. The combined projects will include traffic signals at key intersections and a grade-separated crossing of the active Aberdeen & Rockfish Railroad line.
Vicinity Map:
Purpose and Need:
The primary need for the proposed action is to address the anticipated increase in traffic volumes in the 2040 Build Year conditions. The traffic volume in the Build Year is anticipated to increase to between 16,200 and 28,400 vehicles per day, compared to 8,100 and 12,300 vehicles per day in the existing conditions. The proposed action will serve local residents and commuters by helping address the projected future traffic conditions and maintaining acceptable levels of service (LOS) in the vicinity of the Rockfish community.
Why do we need to widen Rockfish Road?
Rockfish Road is a primary local travel corridor connecting southeastern Hoke County with the community of Rockfish and the City of Raeford. The population in Hoke County is projected to increase at a rate of 2.5% annually, which is more than double the statewide projection for population growth. Traffic is expected to increase along with the population growth, and the number of commuters traveling from surrounding communities through Rockfish to Fort Bragg and the City of Fayetteville is also expected to increase. In 2017, the traffic volume on Rockfish Road varied between 8,100 and 12,300 vehicles per day. By 2040, the traffic volume is projected to increase to between 16,200 and 28,400 vehicles per day.
Project History
The development of alternatives and the required environmental studies are conducted in accordance with the N.C. State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). The overall process for selecting the preferred alternative for the project includes:
Identify the purpose and need for the project
Collect data on the project study area
Develop preliminary alternatives
Evaluate the impacts of the preliminary alternatives
Recommend a design alternative
Engage the public through public meetings
Select the preferred alternative
Process the environmental documentation (Minimum Criteria Determination Checklist)
Community Outreach
Since mid-2017, NCDOT has held meetings with community leaders, local interest groups, business groups and affected business owners and neighborhood groups about the Rockfish Road widening project.
The objective of the community outreach program is to solicit input through an open, dynamic process that includes as many residents, business owners, property owners, local agencies, community groups and other stakeholders within the project study area as possible. This process is structured to involve people early and often and to share information as it becomes available.
A variety of techniques has been and will continue to be used to ensure meaningful involvement from the community.
Alternatives Considered
Two alternatives were initially evaluated for managing future traffic in the Rockfish Road corridor.
Maintaining the existing two-lane roadway but make improvements (turn lanes and traffic signals) at key intersections.
Widening to a four-lane roadway with median.
A traffic forecast was completed (Year 2040 traffic volumes) and an operations analysis was conducted to compare the two alternatives in regard to maintaining acceptable levels of service along Rockfish Road. The analysis determined that the four-lane alternative will be the most effective option for managing the 2040 projected traffic volumes and is currently being evaluated as the recommended alternative for improvements to Rockfish Road.
Recommended Alternative
NCDOT has developed a recommended alternative, and community and environmental impacts are being evaluated for the project. The approved traffic projections and traffic operations analysis indicate that a four-lane roadway will be needed to manage future traffic. The four-lane section will include added turn lanes, right-in, right-out only movements, traffic signals at key intersections, and a variable width median throughout the project corridor. The recommended alternative corresponds to the proposed typical section included in the Fayetteville Area Metropolitan Planning Organization’s 2040 Metropolitan Transportation Plan dated April 16, 2014.
The public had an opportunity to comment on the recommended alternative at the public meeting on April 23, 2019. Project maps were available for the community to review and provide input on the refined designs.
Public Involvement
The public had an opportunity to comment on the recommended alternative at the public meeting on April 23, 2019. Project maps were available for the community to review and provide input on the refined designs.
Public Meeting Maps:
U-5857: Between Pittman Grove Church Road and North Copper Creek
U-5857: Between Sweet William Way and Eastfield/Westfield Drive
U-5707: Gillis Hill Road Extenison (New Roadway) - Concept 1
U-5707: Gillis Hill Road Extenison (New Roadway) - Concept 2
Project Funding
This project is listed as Project U-5857 in the N.C. Department of Transportation’s State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) 2024-2033 is funded for $69.7 million.
| Estimated Amount* |
Right of Way Acquisition | $ 18.0 Million |
Utilities | $ 5.7 Million |
Construction | $ 46.0 Million |
Total Cost | $ 69.7 Million |
* Estimated costs are subject to change. Based on NCDOT STIP.
Project Timeline
Milestone | Date* |
Public Meeting | April 2019 |
Environmental Document | December 2019 |
Right of Way Acquisition | March 2027 |
Construction Begins | Fall 2029 |
* Future dates are preliminary and subject to change
George Boules
Project Manager
NCDOT Project Management Unit
1582 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1582
Alison Nichols
Consultant Project Manager
1520 South Blvd, Suite 200
Charlotte, NC 28203
Comments may be submitted below, via phone, email (Rockfish-rd@publicinput.com), or U.S. Mail to the Project Manager listed above, or at any meeting.
All comments received carry equal weight, regardless of submission method.
All comments will be reviewed and suggestions/recommendations
incorporated into designs where feasible.
Although the N.C. Department of Transportation works to minimize the number of homes and businesses displaced by a road project, it is inevitable, in many cases, that a certain amount of private property is needed. The following information explains right of way acquisition and answers questions about the process.
Right-of-Way Brochure Single Page Layout Folleto del Proceso de Adquisición de Bienes Raíces
Right-of-Way Frequently Asked Questions
Right of way Acquisition Process Videos