Project Overview

The N.C. Department of Transportation proposes to construct reduced conflict intersections (RCIs) at the intersections of N.C. 16 (Brookshire Boulevard) with Old Plank Road and Pleasant Grove Road in Charlotte.

Improvements proposed include converting the traditional intersections to RCIs to help reduce crashes occurring at these two intersections.

What is a Reduced Conflict Intersection?

The most common type of reduced conflict intersection design eliminates left turns from side roads onto busy main roads.

Raised medians direct traffic from the side road to turn right. When there is a safe opening in traffic, drivers enter the flow of traffic on the main route. To go the other direction (traditionally a left turn), or cross the highway, drivers pull into a dedicated lane – typically les​s than 1,000 feet away – ​and make a U-turn. There may be a traffic signal at this location.


View or download project map for N.C. 16 and Old Plank Road click here or click on the picture below.




View or download project map for N.C. 16 and Pleasent Grove Road click here or on the picture below.




A diagram of Reduced Conflict Intersection traffic patterns 


Watch this short video to get more information on Reduced Conflict Intersections: 



Public Involvement

The public is encouraged to review the information presented.  Comments were submitted by September 20, 2022.

Project Funding:


 Estimated Costs*

  Project Development & Design 

$    210,000

  Construction Cost

 $ 1,950,000

  Total Cost

 $ 2,160,000

*Estimated costs are subject to change. Based on currently adopted NCDOT State Transportation Improvement Program.

Project Timeline:



Public Outreach

August 2022

Construction Begins

July 2022

* Future dates subject to change. 


NCDOT accepts comments throughout all planning, design and construction phases of project development.

All comments will be taken into consideration, and carry equal weight, regardless of submittal method.

Comments for consideration during the current phase of project development were submitted by September 16, 2022.

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Closed to responses


Donald Harward

Division Project Engineer

NCDOT Highway Division 10

716 W. Main St.

Albermarle, NC  28001


Jared Mathis

Senior Division Design Construction Engineer

NCDOT Highway Division 10

716 W. Main St.

Albermarle, NC  28001

Title VI Feedback

To ensure we’re hearing from a broad set of voices, would you be willing to share (completely anonymously) some information about yourself?

If so, please click here