R-5826B: N.C 109 - Mt. Gilead
R-5826B: N.C 109 - Mt. Gilead
N.C. 109 Hearne Farm to Pee Dee Road in Montgomery County
Vicinity Map
This map is for reference only and is a representation of the general project area
Project Overview
The N.C. Department of Transportation proposes to improve N.C. 109 in rural Montgomery County, from Hearne Farm Road/Woodyard Road to Pee Dee Road, a distance of about 2.7 miles.
The purpose of the project is to improve mobility in the project area and provide a safer roadway. The project would modernize the roadway by providing one consistent twelve-foot travel lane in each direction, with six-foot wide shoulders (four feet paved and two feet turf).
The majority of the construction would take place within existing NCDOT right-of-way, although temporary construction easements could be required outside of existing NCDOT right-of-way.
The proposed project is included in NCDOT’s 2020-2029 State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) as project R-5826B. Right-of-way acquisition and construction are scheduled to begin in state fiscal years 2023 and 2026, respectively.
Project Highlights
Because the project would involve only relatively minor, symmetrical improvements to an existing facility, only one build alternative was studied. The facility will continue to be an undivided rural roadway with no control of access. Temporary off-site detours will likely not be required because staged construction will be used for the project.
Project Overview Video
This video presents an overview of the project.
Project Maps:
Map 1 - Hearne Farm Road/Woodyard Road to Jordan Lumber Company Road
Map 2 - Jordan Lumber Company road to Pee Dee Road
Roadway Typical Section:
Realignment at Pee-Dee Road
Public Input
Due to Covid 19 restrictions, NCDOT has suspended all in person public meetings. Information on the project will be presented on this website.
Project Funding:
Activity | Estimated Amount* |
Right of Way Acquisition and Utility Relocation | $ 700,000 |
Construction Costs | $ 8,800,000 |
Total Cost | $ 9.5 million |
*Estimated costs are subject to change.
Project Timeline:
Milestone | Anticipated Date* |
Public Information Mailed | March 2022 |
Right-of-Way Acquisition | 2023 |
Construction | Spring 2026 |
*Future dates are subject to change.
NCDOT accepts comments throughout all phases of project development. All comments will be taken into consideration, and carry equal weight, regardless of submittal method
You may leave a comment or question below
Email the comment or question to NC109-MtGilead@publicinput.com
Phone Number: (984) 205-6615 Code: 8177
Project Contact Information:
Greg S. Davis, P.E.
NCDOT Division 8
Division 8 Project Engineer
121 Dot Drive
Carthage, NC 28327
(984) 205-6615 Code: 8177
Project Consultant Information:
Brian Eason, P.E.
H.W. Lochner, Inc.
Project Manager
2840 Plaza Place, #202
Raleigh, NC 27612
(984) 205-6615 Code: 8177
Although the N.C. Department of Transportation works to minimize the number of homes and businesses displaced by a road project, it is inevitable, in many cases, that a certain amount of private property is needed. The following information explains right-of-way acquisition and answers questions about the process.
Relocation Assistance Brochure Asistencia para Reubicación
Right-of-Way Acquisition Process Brochure Folleto del Proceso de Adquisición de Bienes Raíces
Right-of-Way Frequently Asked Questions