Responses to questions and comments received at the public meeting are available here



Proposed Typical Sections

The proposed typical section within the limits of STIP Project Nos. U-6024/R-3608 is a four-lane median divided roadway.  The proposed typical cross section includes: 



Both Alternatives:

Four travel lanes (two in each direction)

23-foot raised median

Median width varies depending on the presence of left-turn lanes

Curb and gutter along inside and outside travel lanes

Five-foot sidewalks


Bicycle provisions (see graphics below)

Where five-foot bicycle lanes are proposed, the typical cross section includes four 12-foot travel lanes

Where bicycle lanes are not proposed, the typical cross section includes two 12-foot inside lanes and two 14-foot outside travel lanes





Typical Section with Five-Foot Bike Lanes


Typical Section without Bike Lanes



Additional right-of way and temporary easements may be required for construction. During construction, traffic will be maintained within the existing corridor with temporary lane and shoulder closures.
There are utilities located in the project area that may need to be relocated as part of this project. NCDOT will coordinate with residences, businesses, and utility companies as the project progresses.

What is a Reduced Conflict Intersection (RCI)?

As urban areas grow and traffic congestion increases, the N.C. Department of Transportation continues to look for creative solutions for improving mobility and safety. Corridors with growing traffic volumes and high-crash rates are good candidates for a Reduced Conflict Intersection (RCI).

A Reduced Conflict Intersection is a general term used to describe several types of designs that may be used to improve safety and traffic flow on a highway. While there are variations to the designs, they all function the same at reducing conflicts for drivers and pedestrians - hence the term Reduced Conflict Intersection.

With the most common type of RCI design, drivers on the main road follow their usual paths, but raised medians redirect drivers from the side road into turning right. When there is a safe opening in traffic, drivers turn right to easily enter the flow of traffic on the main route. To go the other direction, or cross the highway, they pull into a dedicated lane, typically less than 1,000 feet away, to make a U-turn. There may be a traffic signal at this location.


46% Reduction in crashes at unsignalized RCI intersections, compared to conventional intersections

(N.C. State final report to NCDOT in 2010)


15% Reduction in crashes at signalized RCI intersections, compared to conventional intersections

(Federal Highway Administration report, Nov. 2017)


For more information about RCIs and how they function, please visit the following weblink:

Roundabout Intersection

A roundabout is easy to drive through once you understand how it works. As you approach it, you’ll see a yellow “roundabout ahead” sign, indicating you should slow down. 


  • Remember to give larger trucks and buses extra room, as they might need to straddle the lane.

  • Big trucks should use the concrete island – called the truck apron – to help drivers maneuver around the roundabout.

  • Never enter a roundabout while an emergency vehicle using flashing lights and sirens is passing through. If drivers are already in the roundabout, exit first, then pull over to let the emergency vehicle pass.

  • Bicyclists should pick the appropriate lane before entering a multi-lane roundabout and stay in the middle of their chosen lane. Do not ride along the shoulder of the roundabout.

  • Drivers should not pass a bicyclist while inside the roundabout.

  • Pedestrians should use marked crosswalks along the outside of the roundabout, and not walk through the middle of it.

For more information about Roundabouts please visit the follwoing weblink:

Public Involvement

Public Meetings

A public meeting was held on Nov. 7, 2019 in Louisburg, NC to obtain stakeholder and public input regarding the project's design.  


  November 7, 2019


 Louisburg College Jordan Student   Center 

 501 N Main Street 

 Louisburg, NC 27549


  4-7 p.m.


Public Meeting Documents/Maps

U-6024 / R-3608 Public meeting handout

Alternative Map 1: Conventional - Burke Boulevard to North of Noble Street​

Alternate Map 2: Conventional - North of Noble Street to Main Street 

Alternate Map 1: Reduced Conflict Intersection - Burke Boulevard to North of Noble Street

Alternate Map 2: Reduced Conflict Intersection - North of Noble Street to Main Street

Alternate Map 1: Roundabout - Burke Boulevard to North of Noble Street

Alternate Map 2: Roundabout - North of Noble Street to Main Street


Responses to comments and questions received at the public meeting

Project Funding

This project is listed as Project U-6024 and R-3608 in the N.C. Department of Transportation’s State Transportation Improvement Program  (STIP) and is funded for $34.4 million.


Estimated Amount*

   Property Acquisition  $   3,700,000
   Utiliy Costs  $   3,400,000
   Construction Costs  $ 28,100,000  
   Total Cost $ 35,200,000

* Estimated costs are subject to change. Based on NCDOT STIP.

Project Timeline



 PE Funding Approved

  Spring 2017

 Notice to Proceed issued to   consultant

  Spring 2018

 Project Scoping Meeting

  Summer 2018

 Public Meeting 

   Fall 2019

 Environmental Document


 Right of Way Acquisition 

   April 2024

 Construction Begins

   Summer 2030

* Future dates are preliminary and subject to change




Zahid Baloch, PE

NCDOT Project Engineer

NCDOT Division Highway 5

1573 Mail Service Center

Raleigh, NC  27699-1573




Although the N.C. Department of Transportation works to minimize the number of homes and businesses displaced by a road project, it is inevitable, in many cases, that a certain amount of private property is needed. The following information explains right of way acquisition and answers questions about the process.  

Right-of-Way Brochure Single Page Layout      Folleto del Proceso de Adquisición de Bienes Raíces
Right-of-Way Frequently Asked Questions

Right of way Acquisition Process Videos

English                                                                     Spanish

Question title

Would you like to be added to the project email list?

Question title

Do you live or commute or operate a business along this route?

Question title

Check the corresponding box regarding your overall opinion of the proposed project.

Select a response

Question title

Check the corresponding box regarding your preferred intersection concept.

Select a response

Question title

Would you ride your bicycle along U.S. 401/N.C. 39 if bicycle accommodations were available?

Select a response

Question title

Have you been involved in or witnessed any traffic issues ( i.e. congestion, accidents)?

Select a response

Question title

Do you have general comments on the proposed improvements to U.S. 401/N.C. 39 or specific comments on the three alternatives under consideration?