Virtual Public Meeting

Airport Blvd Extension
Tue, Apr 20, 2021
 7:00 PM  (EDT)

Below is a video of the presentation made at this meeting and includes Questions and Comments received during the meeting.



Responses to Questions and Comments received during the Virutal Public Meeting are available here

Project Video

This video provides information on the project. We encourage you to view the video and other information on this page prior to the public meeting.


Project Information

The Town of Morrisville is proposing to extend Airport Boulevard from its existing terminus at Garden Square Lane to its existing terminus at N.C. 54 (Chapel Hill Road), a distance of approximately 0.8 miles. 

The purpose of the proposed project is to improve overall multi-modal traffic mobility on the local roadway network and to enhance connectivity between Davis Drive and Chapel Hill Road. The project begins and ends at established roadways and would improve connectivity of the local roadway network, providing an alternative, direct route between Davis Drive and Chapel Hill Road.  By filling a gap in the Airport Boulevard corridor, connectivity to Research Triangle Park, Interstate 40, and RDU International Airport is improved.

Although an environmental study is being completed for the entire length of the project, the project is being developed in two phases.  

  • Phase 1 - Garden Square Lane to Church Street  Funded

  • Phase 2 - Church Street to N.C. 54/Chapel Hill Road  Currently Unfunded

The proposed roadway through the entire project would consist of: 

  • Two 12-foot lanes in each direction 

  • A 20-foot raised median

  • 5-foot sidewalks on the north side

  • A 10-foot multi-use path on the south side

  • A posted speed limit of 45 mph

The project is being developed with federal funds and will meet the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act.

Project Typical Sections and Maps

Typical Roadway Sections 





Airport Boulevard Extension Phase 1 Project Map

Airport Boulevard Extension Phase 2, Alternative 1 Map

Airport Boulevard Extension Phase 2, Alternative 2 Map

To view or download the handout which contains information on the project, click here.

Project History

The adopted planning document for the project area, the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan, identifies the extension of Airport Boulevard from Garden Square Lane to N.C. 54 as a 2035 horizon year project. The Town of Morrisville has received funding for Phase 1 of the project from CAMPO as part of the Locally Administered Projects Program for State Fiscal Year 2022. The Town has entered into an agreement with NCDOT Highway Division 5 to manage planning and design for Phase 1 of the project.  Phase 2 is currently unfunded.

Project Funding                                         

This project is listed in the State Transportation Improvement Program as project HL-0033.  The Town oF Morrisville has received federal funding for construction of Phase 1 through CAMPO, as part of the Locally Administered Projects Program.   


 Estimated Amount*

  Phase 1 - Right-of-Way Acquisition

$   2,200,000

  Phase 1 -  Construction Costs

$  10,600,000

  Phase 1  Total Cost 

$  12,800,000

  Phase 2  Unfunded at this time

* Estimated costs are subject to change.

Project Timeline:




Phase 1  Milestone


Virtual Public Information Meeting

April 20, 2021  

Right of Way Plans Complete 

January 2022  

Project Awarded for Construction

April 2025  

Phase 2

TBD after funding

* Future dates are subject to change.


NCDOT accepts comments throughout all phases of project design and construction.  Comments included in planning activities for this phase of the project were submitted by May 14, 2021.

 All comments will be taken into consideration as the project progresses. 

All comments carry equal weight, regardless of submittal method  



Project Contact

Zahid Baloch, P.E.

NCDOT Highway Division 5

Project Manager

1548 Mail Service Center

Raleigh, NC  27699-1548


Project Contact

Brian Eason, PE

H.W. Lochner, Inc

Consultant Project Manager

2840 Plaza Place #202

Raleigh, NC  27612


Question title

Would you like to be added to the project email list for updates or other information?

Question title

Do you have any comments or questions regarding Phase I of the proposed project?

Closed for Comments



Although the N.C. Department of Transportation works to minimize the number of homes and businesses displaced by a road project, it is inevitable, in many cases, that a certain amount of private property is needed. The following information explains right of way acquisition and answers questions about the process.  

Right-of-Way Brochure Single Page Layout      Folleto del Proceso de Adquisición de Bienes Raíces
Right-of-Way Frequently Asked Questions

Right of way Acquisition Process Videos


English                                                                     Spanish